Street Address | 27009 Inkster Rd Flat Rock, Michigan 48134 |
Cross Streets | N of West Huron River Rd |
Land Size | 11.49 Acres |
Taxes | Parcel 1 is Exempt; Parcel 2 is taxed |
SEV | Parcel 1 is Exempt; Parcel 2 is $49,000.00 |
Parcel Number | 58-092-03-0022-000 and 58-092-03-0021-000 |
Zoning | Residential / Special Use |
Occupancy | Negotiable |
Extras | This is a cemetery. The property has 6 acres that are developed and 4 acres that are undeveloped. In addition there is a caretaker house which is included. The cemetery property is tax exempt. Only the house is taxed. |